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Ahoj! We had a wonderful time today working with children attending Skola Martina Luthera school in Plzen. They were so welcoming to us and open to our presentation to them about GAUMC, our mission here in the Czech Republic, and what life is like in Texas. We shared some laughs, taught them a little bit of Texan speak (which we used to form the beginnings of a hybrid language), read stories, and colored with them. During our presentation, it was such a blessing when many of the children looked upon a picture of a team from a previous year and immediately began pointing and saying ‘Charles’. After timage image image image image image image image image imagehat we were given a tour by Pastor Petr of the building and the chapel, that latter having some breath-taking carvings.

Tomorrow will be a day in which we continue work at another school and also doing yard work and painting at the re-entry house in Plzen. We ask that you continue praying that we fall in line with God’s will as often as possible and that we are able to reflect his grace each day while we are here…not only with our words but more importantly through our actions.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10